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Version: v1

/workspace API


This documentation is for BaaS v1, which is no longer actively supported. If you are a new user, please refer to the updated documentation for BaaS v2 or BrowserQL.


If you're using the hosted service, please refer to our GraphQL "workspace" query for better documentation. We also collect workspace results across your entire fleet in GraphQL. See

When dealing with both file downloads and uploads, Chrome needs access to the local file-system. In most docker-based environments this can be challenging since each container runs with its own file-system, unless you attach a network-mounted file system (and subsequently grant it access in your docker run command). Because of these challenges we've implemented a series of API's that make it easier to work with files on disk, under the /workspace route.

Check out this API schema defined in Swagger.


The workspace API is only available for dedicated and self-hosted accounts

Listing your files

To get files on your running container, simply issue a GET request to /workspace:

curl -X GET \

The following cURL will result in an output like:

"created": "2019-07-15T22:11:40.157Z",
"isDirectory": false,
"name": "data.csv",
"path": "/workspace/data.csv",
"size": 52,
"workspaceId": null

Please note that this will print any files in the current directory, but won't recursively look into them. It will also show files that browserless itself hasn't had any interaction with (in cases where assign WORKSPACE_DIR to a non-empty directory in docker). Consequently, browserless won't delete or remove any files automatically, so take care that files are removed swiftly when no-longer needed.

With this information returned, we can now download a file from the system.

Downloading files

Once you know the name of the file, you can simply issue a GET request for that particular file. We currently don't support downloading of all files in an archived format, so you'll need to issue a download request for every file you want.

curl -X GET \

Depending on the file, and its extension, browserless will stream the file back. In this case since the file is a CSV file, it'll return a text/csv; charset=UTF-8 Content-Type.

"Wednesday, October 10, 2018"
"Thursday, October 4, 2018"
"Monday, October 1, 2018"
"Wednesday, September 26, 2018"
"Monday, September 24, 2018"
"Wednesday, September 19, 2018"
"Monday, September 17, 2018"
"Wednesday, September 12, 2018"

Saving files

If you need to have a file locally for Chrome to reference, then you'll need to upload it into browserless for consumption. This is done by POSTing a requests to the /workspace API with a multipart/form-data Content-Type. This allows for uploading of multiple files, and is more flexible to meet a variety of use-cases. Once uploaded, browserless will return an array of file information based upon the content.

Please refer to your language or libraries documentation on how to handle multipart/form-data uploads. cURL, for instance, adds these headers automatically, as does many other libraries.

curl -X POST \ \
-F 'file=@/Users/browserless/Documents/file-one.csv'

Responses have the following output, and are always returned in an array:

"fieldname": "file",
"originalname": "file-one.csv",
"encoding": "7bit",
"mimetype": "text/csv",
"destination": "/Users/jgriffith/Downloads",
"filename": "file-one.csv",
"path": "/Users/jgriffith/Downloads/file-one.csv",
"size": 2649

Deleting files

Be careful when deleting files as the operation cannot be undone

When work is complete, or you simply want to cleanup the workspace, you can issue a DELETE request for the file(s) you want to remove. Following upon our previous examples, you'll need to tell browserless which file to delete:

curl -X DELETE \

Once this is complete, browserless will either respond with a 404 if the file isn't available, or a 204 if the operation was successful.

By default our dedicated plans automatically get their workspace contents deleted seven (7) days after creation.

Scoping downloads

Scoping downloads is available in version 1.11.0 of our docker images.

Often times workloads involve downloading the same files as previous sessions did, which can result in a filename conflict. You might also want to just extract all the files that Chrome downloads in a particular session instead of a single file at a time. For instances such as these we recommend using a trackingId in your connect request.

trackingID treats the behavior of file downloads slightly differently. Instead of saving files in the default workspace directory, browserless will instead create a sub-directory with the name of the trackingId you provide. For instance, if you connect with the following, and run some work, the result of the /workspace GET call will include files in a sub-directory.

// Connect with a "trackingId" in the browserWSEndpoint:

// Do some work, download files, catch errors!

Now, with that session complete, a GET /workspace will reveal these contents:

// Date of file creation
created: "2019-07-15T22:11:40.157Z",

// If the download is a directory
isDirectory: false,

// The resulting files name
name: "data.csv",

// The path to retrieve the file
path: "/workspace/AwENCwMHDQoHBgwKBAUODQ/data.csv",

// The size of the file in bytes
size: 52,

// The tracking-id that this file belongs to
workspaceId: "AwENCwMHDQoHBgwKBAUODQ",

Also, if you wish to get all the files of a particular session, simply do a GET call with the sessions tracking ID in place. Following our previous example, that will look like:

curl -X GET \

This will return a ZIP archive of all the files downloaded from that particular session. Finally, you can do a DELETE call on that tracking-id to remove all files:

curl -X DELETE \

We strongly recommend using a tracingId that has a low chance of collision with another (like GUID or UUID). This prevents one session from overwriting another's request.