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Version: v1

Docker Webhooks


This documentation is for BaaS v1, which is no longer actively supported. If you are a new user, please refer to the updated documentation for BaaS v2 or BrowserQL.

When launching the docker image you can configure it to "callback" to a web-based URL when certain events occur. For instance, you can have it call an HTTP URI when sessions are queued or rejected.

For each URL, when the associated event happens, browserless will do a GET call on the provided URL. It doesn't listen to responses or failures, however it's a good idea to answer it back immediately to close any open connections.

Below is a list of all possible options. Be sure to check back often and see when more are added!


Setting a QUEUE_ALERT_URL will trigger the image to call a the specified URL when queuing begins to happen. You can set this to any HTTP URL as seen below:

$ docker run -e "QUEUE_ALERT_URL=" -p 3000:3000 --restart always -d --name browserless browserless/chrome


Setting a REJECT_ALERT_URL will trigger the image to call a the specified URL when rejections begins to happen. You can set this to any HTTP URL as seen below:

$ docker run -e "REJECT_ALERT_URL=" -p 3000:3000 --restart always -d --name browserless browserless/chrome


Setting a TIMEOUT_ALERT_URL will trigger the image to call a the specified URL when time-outs begins to happen. You can set this to any HTTP URL as seen below:

$ docker run -e "TIMEOUT_ALERT_URL=" -p 3000:3000 --restart always -d --name browserless browserless/chrome

Health Failure

Setting a FAILED_HEALTH_URL will trigger the image to call a the specified URL when the health of the instance is critical (over 99% on CPU and memory). You can use this event to potentially restart the image or replace it.

$ docker run -e "FAILED_HEALTH_URL=" -p 3000:3000 --restart always -d --name browserless browserless/chrome

Need something else?

If you're looking for hooks for other events, please let us know.