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Evaluates JavaScript client-side, via raw content or a URL to some JavaScript code, in the browser's page environment


mutation EvaluateScript {
byContent: evaluate(content: "2 + 2") {

byUrl: evaluate(url: "") {
content: String
timeout: Float
url: String
): EvaluateResponse


evaluate.content ● String scalar

The raw script you'd like to evaluate. This code gets wrapped in an async function so you can use return at the end as well as await and other async concepts. You can return any stringified value from this function

evaluate.timeout ● Float scalar

A timeout to wait for the script to finish evaluating, overriding any defaults. Useful for async scripts that may be longer running. Default timeout is 30 seconds, or 30000.

evaluate.url ● String scalar

The URL of the script you'd like to evaluate. This code gets wrapped in an async function so you can use return at the end as well as await and other async concepts. You can return any stringified value from this function


EvaluateResponse object

Response returned after evaluating a script