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Version: v2

/config API


Currently, Browserless V2 is available in production via two domains: and


This API is only available for dedicated and self-hosted accounts

The /config API will give you information about your worker's configuration, and is only available for dedicated and self-hosted accounts

You can check the full Open API schema here.

Get your worker's configuration

To see your current configuration, simply issue a GET request to /sessions:

curl -X GET \

Running this cURL request will result in an JSON output like:

"allowCORS": true,
"allowFileProtocol": false,
"allowGetCalls": false,
"concurrent": 10,
"data": "/tmp/browserless-data-dirs",
"debug": "browserless*,-**:verbose",
"errorAlertURL": null,
"healthFailureURL": null,
"host": "localhost",
"maxCPU": 99,
"maxMemory": 99,
"metricsJSONPath": "/tmp/browserless-metrics.json",
"port": 3001,
"queued": 10,
"queuedAlertURL": null,
"rejectAlertURL": null,
"retries": 5,
"timeout": 30000,
"timeoutAlertURL": null,
"token": "6R0W53R135510"