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Version: v1

/config API

The config API allows you to retrieve the current configuration of your container and is only available for dedicated and self-hosted accounts.

Check out the config API schema defined in our Swagger page.

Gathering your container configuration

To see the configuration of your container, simply issue a GET request to /config:

curl -X GET \

Remember that running this in the browser will expose your API key!

Running this cURL request will result in an output like:

"allowFileProtocol": true,
"chromeRefreshTime": 0,
"connectionTimeout": 0,
"disabledFeatures": ["string"],
"enableAPIGet": true,
"enableCors": true,
"errorAlertURL": "string",
"exitOnHealthFailure": true,
"functionBuiltIns": ["string"],
"functionEnableIncognitoMode": true,
"functionExternals": ["string"],
"healthFailureURL": "string",
"sessionCheckFailURL": "string",
"keepAlive": true,
"maxCPU": 0,
"maxConcurrentSessions": 0,
"maxMemory": 0,
"maxQueueLength": 0,
"metricsJSONPath": "string",
"port": 0,
"prebootChrome": true,
"queuedAlertURL": "string",
"rejectAlertURL": "string",
"singleRun": true,
"timeoutAlertURL": "string",
"token": "string",
"workspaceDir": "string",
"socketBehavior": "string"