Bots and Stealth
BrowserQL is our first-class browser automation API, and includes powerful options like human-like, reconnecting and proxying. It's a full rethink of how to do browser automation with a minimalistic stealth-first approach. In order to get started, you'll need to sign-up for a cloud plan and get your API Key as well as our Desktop editor -- all of which are available via the account portal.
BrowserQL was built from the ground-up to be as stealthful and human-like as possible. We don't rely on libraries internally, meaning many of the common issues and bot-checks won't apply anymore. We run on real end-user browsers and not-home-built ones as well with an aim for 1:1 parity with real user traffic.
For the most part your queries should just work without a lot of fuss, but if you need them we do have APIs around proxying and more.
Using a Proxy
Using a proxy will consume many more units
BrowserQL comes with built-in support for using a residential proxy. You can pick whether or not to use the same proxy for each request, which Country it comes from, and even more settings like ad-blocking.
To turn it on, simply open the settings panel and apply the proxy:
BrowserQL tries its best to avoid Captchas by acting like a real-user as much as possible. However, no solution works 100% of the time. We're currently working on adding Captcha solving and will news soon on when that becomes available.