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Version: v2

Versions on the usage based service


This information applies for users that use API keys on the Cloud-Based or usage-based plan.

Our workers that service the usage based API keys are updated every so often, here are the versions that the hosted version currently has for certain libraries, global timeout and CLI flags supported.

Current versions used in usage based workers

Last update: October 4th 2024.

  1. Puppeteer: 23.2.1
  2. Playwright: 1.46, 1.45, 1.44, 1.43, 1.42, 1.41
  3. Chromium: 128.0.6613.18
  4. Firefox: 128.0
  5. Webkit: 18.0

If your code is mysteriously crashing, try using the exact version mentioned above, as some older but especially more recent versions than the above may cause conflicts.

Global timeout

By default, the global timeout is set to 15 minutes for usage-based and cloud unit-based API Keys, if you need your sessions to run longer than that, you'll want to consider upgrading to a dedicated account in order to modify this setting.

CLI flags supported


Playwright's versioning

It is important to note that Playwright's connect method is tightly version-coupled. Your client version must be either one of the ones listed above.

Playwright's connectOverCDP doesn't always need to match the same playwright version on our usage based workers. This method is generally backwards/forwards compatible since it communicates directly through CDP, with the caveat to be slightly slower due to having more communication over the devtools protocol.